Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Little Chapel

I haven't been writing much this year, as I've mentioned, but I want to...

We were driving back home to The Nut last weekend, and were thrilled to see the door open at a small chapel we love to look at...from the outside. 

There was no one around, though we soon realized that the chapel was open for "Ognissanti", or 'All Saints Day'. It's a day to visit and honor family and friends who have passed on. This little chapel is connected to a small, local cemetery.

What luck for us. We've looked through the tiny windows a million times, Johnny has painted the chapel on several occasions, but we've never had a chance to go inside...

The chapel was all dressed up for a service. We didn't know if it had already happened or not, but we so enjoyed seeing this gem in all her glory...

Even the ceiling is beautiful...

It was light enough inside to really see the frescoes we'd peered at over the years from the outside.
We had no idea how lovely they are, and felt quite touched to see them up close.
They are in disrepair, for sure, but somehow that just adds to the beauty.

There are two altars, and both were ready for visitors.

I loved the patina of everything in this tiny space...the ceiling, the floors, the pews and chairs. The colors of what remains of the frescoes are so subtle and gorgeous. You can just imagine them being painted so long ago.

It was such an honor to finally, after more than a decade, be able to step inside.

If it's the one and only time we ever are allowed inside, that's fine by me. It was worth the wait.