Saturday, May 11, 2024

Moments And Details...Venice

Some extra extraness from our time in Venice ...just little moments that caught my eye as we walked from here to there...and even over there.


I've always loved this door...we walk by it often.

Not my style, but interesting...for sure!

Several lovely building details...

Another gorgeous old door...

Beautiful detail on a local church...

Detail from inside a local church...

More and always more....

Just an evening walk stops me in my tracks sometimes...

I am awed by reflections here.

Me with my pal, Havana.

Venice can be nothing but a frustrating crowd of people ....

...unless you get away and discover the areas that aren't crowded! There are soooo many!

Spend the time to really explore.

I even saw some gnomes!

They are called "Sette Nani" here, or "Seven Dwarves".

Lastly, some super creepy wallpaper I saw in a palazzo we visited...

I don't think I would want this in my bathroom, just saying.


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