Friday, May 3, 2024

Some Cool Artwork // Venice

We are back home in Umbria now, but I have a few posts still to come from our stay in Venice this past week.

We saw a ton of art, and I won't even scratch the surface, I'm afraid. It's Biennale time, so there is just too much to take in, and when you do, it's so much to absorb, that I often don't even try to keep track of who did the work...please forgive me and just enjoy. 

One space I loved had these cool bamboo pieces, carved and painted black and white...

There were also several "carpets" of woven bamboo by artist Anat is just one...

Close up of the bamboo "carpet".

A huge bamboo sculpture...

In the same venue, I really liked these photos...

Like a painting....

An interesting bronze sculpture, "Peek-A-Boo"by artist Carole Kohler.

"Thirst",  by Dylan Martinez
This is actually made of glass, blown and sculptured.

A close up, because I loved this one...

Three pieces, below made from recycled paper and cardboard boxes...

Close-up of the cardboard piece...

Close-up of the piece made of recycled magazines...

This table and chair piece was about 10-12 feet tall! It was great!

I'm sorry I didn't get the title on this large photograph, but it was about 
balance...and pretty much life-sized.
Just look at it for a minute. It's fantastic.

And this last piece just knocked me out...giant sized teabags filled with leaves and such...

These bags are maybe 4' x 3'! 
Such a great concept!

This room had a very nice fragrance....

 Sigh....I love the Biennale!!! You just never can imagine what you will see and experience.

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