Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Little Succulent Love

  First of all, get your mind out of the gutter....
  I'm talking about succulents as in the plants, ok? Jeez.
  (This may say more about me, and where my mind goes, now that I think about it...)

  As I was cruising around my little garden, I noticed that my beloved succulents were looking particularly beautiful. We have had some rain lately...nice and steady through the night, and my pots of succulents are just soaking it in!
  Also, I have been giving these pots MaxSea, a great powdered fertilizer that everything seems to thrive on. For these guys, once a month or so seems to be just right. 

  Half the fun with my succulents is finding old pots, cans,  coffee mugs...or whatever works, to plant new ones in. I just keep taking off the babies and popping them in here and there...

One display I like mucho.
Texture Galore.
(my new 'hooker name')

They came 'alive' over night, after the rain!

  There are so many interesting varieties, for sure, but since I'm the world's greatest cheapskate, I just keep propagating the ones I already have, only adding new varieties if someone gives me their cuttings.
  Those I do have aren't super special, or hard to find...but I like them and they add so much to the garden.

I love this container with this succulent.

When these look good, they look soooo good!

A new baby getting started in the little pot.
It will be moved up into something larger.

A new favorite from my garden helper.
Thanks, Pedro!
He has an awesome collection.

  These, above, are all medium to large specimens. I really like the drama they add throughout the garden.
  Lately, I have been scoping out the teeny-tiny species. I like the way they weave around rocks and other succulents, once they get going. They also look gray in cool, small containers...

A match made in plant/pot heaven.
Well, I think so...

This poor thing keeps getting torn apart by garden critters.
I don't know why, but they tear it up just when it looks good.
I now have it way high up on a table.

The newest teeny.
I'm looking for the perfect container for this one.

  Though I love my roses, and all the other fluffy things that live in my garden, I plan to continue switching over to more and more of these drought tolerant lovelies. It just makes so much sense these days, especially in our very mild climate.
  We are all reveling in these first-of-the-season rains, but who knows just how much we will get over the next few months.
  I'm betting on the succulent way of life, and if need be, I'll keep taking out the thirstier plants in my garden, and replace them with more of these stunners.
  Why not? They seem to be quite happy here.

Sentinel at the Garden Gate!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics! I am a recent convert. I like to buy bundt pans at thrift stores and plant in them. My husband drills tiny holes in the bottom. Yes they are a good pick for droughty Cali!
