Saturday, May 11, 2024

Moments And Details...Venice

Some extra extraness from our time in Venice ...just little moments that caught my eye as we walked from here to there...and even over there.


I've always loved this door...we walk by it often.

Not my style, but interesting...for sure!

Several lovely building details...

Another gorgeous old door...

Beautiful detail on a local church...

Detail from inside a local church...

More and always more....

Just an evening walk stops me in my tracks sometimes...

I am awed by reflections here.

Me with my pal, Havana.

Venice can be nothing but a frustrating crowd of people ....

...unless you get away and discover the areas that aren't crowded! There are soooo many!

Spend the time to really explore.

I even saw some gnomes!

They are called "Sette Nani" here, or "Seven Dwarves".

Lastly, some super creepy wallpaper I saw in a palazzo we visited...

I don't think I would want this in my bathroom, just saying.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Day Tripping To Burano & Torcello

STILL catching up on blog posts from Venice....The internet connection there was super fast, so I loaded up several "drafts" of posts with photos, etc.
Now, back in Umbria, I can relax and actually write something.

While we were staying there, the Pope made a visit, and knowing it would be mayhem in town, we took a boat out to the nearby islands of Burano and Torcello. It was nice out, and not too many people around. Perfect!

I've done several posts on the outer islands of Venice in the past, so forgive me for sharing many of the colorful buildings I've most likely shown before. What can I say? They are still so damn pretty!
I can't resist...

One of me very favorites...I love the rundown look of it...

Window detail.

We like to get off the boat at stop for Mazzorbo, a small island connected by a bridge to Burano. There is hardly ever Anyone walking around., so we like to wander the quiet streets...
Some lovely details, below.

The white flowers are Stock, and it smelled fabulous!

Love the rosary beads.

Mazzorbo has it's own charm, just way less tourists.

The cemetery walls with classic Italian Cypress trees.

Another colorful scene....

These roses with the blue wall...wowza.

Back over the bridge to Burano, famous for it's brightly colored houses...and interesting details.

Love this old door and signage.

Classic Burano scene.

They say that the houses are painted bright colors so the local fisherman can see their homes as they come in from the sea.

I liked the color of these iris with the homes in the background...

It's just wild!

Not all homes are painted bright, and I kind of like these old beauties.

Most of the clock towers and bell towers look like
they have tied one on!

It was so nice to be away from crowds.


After walking all around Mazzorbo and Burano, we took the boat to Torecello, the original spot where Venice was born...or so we've been told.

A lovely garden scene we walked by on Torcello.

Johnny did a painting while we were there, and I will do a post about it on my other blog:

Johnny painting the church building on Torcello. 
It's a gorgeous building, and well worth visiting.

A little frolic after working!

And back in St. Mark's Square:

Glad to have escaped the crowds that came to see the Pope!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Some Cool Artwork // Venice

We are back home in Umbria now, but I have a few posts still to come from our stay in Venice this past week.

We saw a ton of art, and I won't even scratch the surface, I'm afraid. It's Biennale time, so there is just too much to take in, and when you do, it's so much to absorb, that I often don't even try to keep track of who did the work...please forgive me and just enjoy. 

One space I loved had these cool bamboo pieces, carved and painted black and white...

There were also several "carpets" of woven bamboo by artist Anat is just one...

Close up of the bamboo "carpet".

A huge bamboo sculpture...

In the same venue, I really liked these photos...

Like a painting....

An interesting bronze sculpture, "Peek-A-Boo"by artist Carole Kohler.

"Thirst",  by Dylan Martinez
This is actually made of glass, blown and sculptured.

A close up, because I loved this one...

Three pieces, below made from recycled paper and cardboard boxes...

Close-up of the cardboard piece...

Close-up of the piece made of recycled magazines...

This table and chair piece was about 10-12 feet tall! It was great!

I'm sorry I didn't get the title on this large photograph, but it was about 
balance...and pretty much life-sized.
Just look at it for a minute. It's fantastic.

And this last piece just knocked me out...giant sized teabags filled with leaves and such...

These bags are maybe 4' x 3'! 
Such a great concept!

This room had a very nice fragrance....

 Sigh....I love the Biennale!!! You just never can imagine what you will see and experience.