Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Two Weeks Here...


I'm actually writing this while in Venice. Our apartment here has really fast internet, so I'm taking advantage and loading up some photos, etc.

That being said, this post kind of covers the past week and a half or so.
We're loving our time in Umbria. We spend our days walking, hanging out with pals, figuring out what to cook, and all that.
As always here, everyday is a challenge. Between language issues, the weather and day to day living....we know we're not in Kansas anymore....and we LOVE it. This life keeps us young. We have to use our old brains in so many different ways. It's a good thing.

We've been to the markets, picking up tasty looking things that we think we might use...

The rosemary is from the garden, and the bay leaves are from a morning walk.

I get a lot of you readers asking me about food, so....

Recently, I was so happy to find black kale at the market. I like to cook it up in a pan with onions and garlic, then toss in some beans. In this case, kidney beans. The color combo is nice, and it's really tasty! 

Beans and Greens. A perfect dinner!

Our friend, Aldo told us we must try red rice. It was available at the local fruit and veg stand, so I bought a box. I wasn't sure what I would do with it, but I ended up making a pot, letting it cool and mixing it up with some goodies to make excellent veggie burgers!

They were so good! I can't wait to make more.

Rice burgers with avocado and tomatoes.
That was a great dinner....

A typical lunch for us consists of this and that...We've been eating lots of avocados and tomatoes. They pair well with parmesan and these super good tomato bread sticks we buy locally.
And wine. Always wine...

Lunch time!

Of course, we've been doing our Morning long as the weather behaves.

Mist lifting in the valley...

We had a day trip to Florence to visit with my cousin and his partner, as well as buying art supplies.
It was a wonderful day filled with memories, laughter, love and good food. 

Johnny buying canvas for the Umbrian studio.

Here are some shots of the morning in Florence last week...

We'll go back to Florence again, as there are some good exhibitions coming soon.
The day we were there last week was mostly about family, and we both had a great time.

On another recent day, we took a boat out to one of the islands on Lago Trasimeno, our local lake...

Johnny always loves the boat ride!

We spent the day walking around, enjoying nature...

We were lucky to have perfect weather that day.

We are sticking very close to our tradition of Sunday Pizza at our favorite local pizza place, of course!

Where's my pizza?

It's funny because the only time we eat pizza in California is when I make it myself...
Here, it's a thing we do with gusto...every Sunday. Yum!

Right before we headed to Venice, we helped with the grape harvest at a pal's house. It was anice way to connect with friends, old and new!

Johnny can't believe how big the clusters are!

Lastly, here is one of many sunrises I will enjoy from our terrace at The Nut. I don't mind waking up for my workout routine if I get to enjoy this...

Thank You, Powers That Be.
We can't believe we are here...again.

Stay tuned for more...from Venice!

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