Friday, September 27, 2024


As is our want when we are here in Umbria...we like to take a side trip to Venice. 
We will continue to do this as long as we can get away with it....because we love Venice. If you are a fan of Live Pronto, you know this. There are a whole bunch of posts about Venice over the past decade.

So...we caught a VERY early train Monday morning. It was still kind of dark out!

Not sure Johnny is quite with the program yet...

As always, Venice is a dream...

How many beautiful photos can one take in Venice?
Loads and loads...

Our neighborhood.

I have to admit...I'm pretty proud of this shot...

Even at night, what's not to love???

Our neighborhood in the evening...

We've been enjoying ourselves, for sure. This trip here is especially nice because Johnny isn't painting. Normally he's carrying tons of stuff, and feeling the pressure of working. But this trip is a gift to us. 
We are seeing lots of art, but he doesn't have the extra pressure of producing work. He will do some studio work later in Umbria...

So, that being said...we're relaxing and taking it easy.

We always enjoy the cicchetti tapas in Spain. Small bites of joy!

Peas, veggie "meatballs", and fried eggplant. Yes, please!

More veg polpette (meatballs) and some bruschetta with cheese, 
marinated red cabbage and walnuts. A great combo.

I love the details as we walk around town...

I've come to terms with can be beautiful.

Random detail on a building.

Spotted at the Rialto Market

More street art. I love the texture.

Morning light in the neighborhood.

We have been renting the same apartment in Venice twice a year for several years now. Since before covid, for sure.... unfortunately, our dear hostess Alessandra, has decided to live here herself. Dang it. We love this out of the way spot, and it's a home away from home for us...Ah, well. We'll have a new adventure to look forward to.

I will miss this interesting view over these rusted roofs, though...

More to come from Venice...we're still here. Today we'll rent bikes on the Lido, a favorite thing to do on a sunny day! (well, there is a bit of rain expected later...we'll let you know!)

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