Saturday, March 12, 2022

We Made It! Spring in Umbria, 2022


I'm not took almost 30 hours start to end to get to Umbria from our home in California. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond happy to be here..... but, man was I ready for that first glass of wine in Italy!

As always, we landed in Rome and stayed overnight just to have this moment of wine, followed by pizza (the best...ever) at Pizzeria Remo. And as always, we were not disappointed.

Yeah, I look wiped out...because I was! But happy, too!

Before heading to get pizza, we had a glass of wine at a favorite spot.
The flights were long. We needed this.

It wasn't too cold, nor wet or windy...we were thrilled to be sitting outside breathing in fresh air after hours & hours & hours of wearing masks. I'm all for being as safe as possible, but we had our masks on for a really long time. Being mask free with a glass of wine in Rome was pretty damn sweet.

And then we got to eat pizza!

I look forward to pizza at Remo each and every time we head to Rome. It's a perfect reward after the hell of traveling such a long way.

Next day we took time to pick up some art supplies for Johnny before catching the train north to Umbria. Our pal Carlo picked us up and took us to get our rental car, then finally home to The Nut.

That first walk up through the olive trees in the front garden was heaven on earth...

Looking out over the hills right now is so different from when we were last here in the leaves on the trees! It will be wonderful to watch the season change to full blown spring!

Yesterday morning....

Last day we were here back in November...
Spring will bring even more leaves.

It's cold enough to have a fire going all day and night, and we are so glad we ordered wood before leaving last fall.

I made a super simple dinner our first night here, and we were in bed early, ready to pass out.

Pan roasted tomatoes with arugula, baked ricotta and grilled bread. Yes.

Day one here, we spent about 5-6 hours just cleaning house, unpacking and organizing everything. It's amazing how dusty it gets when there is nobody here! The plaster walls sort of fluff off fine dust, covering pretty much every flat surface...and then some.

The saving grace is that The Nut is tiny, so it doesn't take days to get her in ship shape.

Next, out to the garden to think about what I want to plant for my terrace color this year!

Walking around, I found several bunches of mini daffodils
I had forgotten I'd planted before the virus hit!

I can't wait to get these pots filled with fun annuals. I bought herbs today for some of the pots, but mostly I want loads of color!

Solar lights to the left will be wound all around
the terrace railing.

Today, Saturday, we went over to Cortona to get a roll of canvas for Johnny's studio. We took a long hike around town, enjoying a stop for Proseco...

Last, but not least, a super simple lunch featuring the most awesome plate of spaghetti ever...Just tossed with olive oil, garlic and peperoncino. 

Yes, it was that good. 

Tomorrow we'll stay home. I want to wash the windows and cut back the roses some. It will be good to just relax and get into the groove of being back home in Umbria.


  1. You will always have Umbria….. Janelle

  2. And one day I will see this place

  3. Lovely. We will be the next month. Can’t wait, but Sweden first with grand kids.

  4. Oh ...Happiness.....your Faces !!....XXXXO Ellen

  5. Your food choices just get my mouth watering!

    30 hours of mask wearing sounds like hell on earth. Thank Gawd you have much to look forward to upon arrival! I look forward to future posts from Italia!
