Wednesday, September 8, 2021

We Did It!

If you follow me on Instagram (jgistelli44), you already know we've made it back to Umbria.
It was such a stressful chore to get through all the documents needed to travel! 

We had double duty because we flew through London Heathrow. The Uk has it's own set of docs to deal with.
And we were only in Terminal 5 for about two hours....

Anyway, we done did it!!

Yeah, we were the two weirdos with the face shields.

Hey, we didn't want to take any chances.

It was kind of scary, but still exciting to be traveling again.

Once in Rome, we hit our favorite pizzeria. So happy they were still there and as busy as ever...

Jet lagged, but nothing Pizzeria Remo couldn't fix...

Interesting new graffiti all over the area...

The obligatory masked Mirror shot.

The confusing documents and stress of covid tests...all worth it.
So glad to be back at our Nut.

Our first sunrise back home in Umbria. Sigh.

We enjoyed a first lunch on the terrace with tomatoes and good bread from our pals (grazie, J&B), and I look forward to more.

We've just started getting out and about, enjoying some favorite views...

The road home....

I made some pasta on our first night with more of the fresh tomatoes, basil and a bit of garlic with good olive oil.
Simple and simply divine!

We are lucky and grateful to be back. 
I hope I get back into my blog again...we'll wait and see.

Here's a sunset to get me inspired:

 Thank you, powers that be. 


  1. Be still my heart. What glorious photos, J. Bravo for all the work getting back to your Italian home. Your adventures make me so happy, so keep sharing!
