Sunday, October 17, 2021

Olive picking...2021

It's so easy to fall in love with olive trees here in Italy. They are everywhere in the country side, and you start to really notice just how gorgeous the leaves are when the light is right...and the really old trees are like a dream you've had one time.

I've written about a nearby ancient grove here

And then there's the oil...more on that in a minute.

I took some photos this morning on my walk...just the beauty of the trees and the groves...

I love the shadows and the lines...

The olives are so pretty.

We are surrounded by groves in our little area!

I just happened on this fellow harvesting this morning...

The grove on the property where we live has about 160 trees, I think. Some are easier to harvest, all planted in rows, which makes putting the nets under them much more convenient.

The lower grove is in rows and on pretty flat land.
Plus, having an awesome view is nice when we are working our fannies off!

The olives are beautiful, and when they are in the nets and baskets, they look like jewels....

One of our main jobs as helpers is to help lay out the nets under the trees. These nets are huge, and get really heavy when they are full of olives. You drag them around with another person, lay them out then start the picking. The olives fall into the net...

After you have enough olives in the nets, you then manipulate them into a big pile, and sort of pour them from the net into the bins.

Yes, there are some leaves and such that go through the mill. 
We try and get as much of the leaves out as possible, but we're always on a deadline to get the work done, so you can't get them all...

The bins. They are called "cassette", the 'e' at the end 
is pronounced ā not like a music cassette.

Here, you can see how big the nets can be!
In this way, people can be working on more than one tree at a time.

I actually enjoy the work, if it's not too hot or windy. That being said, after many hours, the neck and shoulder muscles start to scream a bit! I take Advil before the work starts!

I think it's the natural gardener in me that enjoys the work...

This year, we worked in two groves. One on the property where we have The Nut, and also at a friend's property. 
It's great to be able to help out for a couple of days...but it is hard work. 
The fantasy you see in the movies is not the reality of the work that needs to be done. 

My favorite part is just listening to folks chatting together as the work is being done. You learn more about the people you meet here in Umbria. It's a bonding opportunity. If there is a lovely lunch provided, it's golden. (Thanks, Jody!)

All in all, we do it because we want to help out.

Smiles when the hard part is finished!

The big crash afterwards... especially for Boss Cat, Nemo.
His constant supervision must be exhausting.

Then there's the oil...
You have to toast some simple crusty white bread...then a drizzle of oil and a bit of salt.
Some like to rub the toast with garlic, but I like my first taste to be about the oil.

I can't say it enough...I love my old school toaster.

This year, our oil has a spicy kick. We like it. It will mellow a bit over time.

We get 'paid' in oil, so that makes it all worth while!

If you want to see more olive harvesting, I've done another post here, from the 2019 harvest.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's wonderful that you two want to help out. It does look like hard work! I don't think I'd be up to it.

    After admiring the olive groves in the south of France, I returned home and bought two olive trees that I planned on keeping smallish by pruning. I got two nice harvests out of them, put up the olives, and was rewarded 10 months later with the tasty cured ones!
